What are the Others reading?
We know the Others enjoy reading (they have their own book club on the island) and here are the books they're seen with in the show.
by Stephen King
The Others' book club was reviewing this novel when Flight 815 broke up overhead.
by John Lescroart
Ben had this book in his tent.
by Stephen Hawking
Aldo was reading this book while guarding Karl. It was also seen in Ben's bedroom.
Sayid found the Holy Qur'an on the bookshelf in Ben's bedroom in episode 3 of season 4.
by Philip K. Dick
Locke brought this book to Ben from Ben's bookshelf in episode 4 of season 4. Ben stated that he already read it so Locke told him to read it again, he "might have missed something the first time".
by James Joyce
Ben was reading this while traveling back to the island on Ajira Airways Flight 316 in season 5.
by Carlos Castaneda
Little Ben brought this book to Sayid when he was held prisoner by the Dharma Initiative in season 5.
Richard (aka Ricardo) had a copy of the Bible while in jail on the Canary Islands in 1867.